Uptime and System Status Transparency Page
in progress
Customer Service Manager
Request to develop an Uptime and System Status Transparency Page that provides real-time visibility into the platform’s service health and uptime history.
This page will help customers and stakeholders monitor service performance, plan accordingly, and build trust by ensuring transparency in service reliability.
Feedback from:
Bangmod.Cloud Satisfaction Survey for Q3 2024.
Customer Service Manager
Incident History:
We have released the Incident History page on Bangmod.Cloud at https://bangmod.cloud/incident-history . Customers can now access detailed incident information on this page.
System Status Page:
The development of the System Status Page is still in progress. We are actively investigating the best way to present real-time uptime information to ensure full transparency on the platform.
Customer Service Manager
in progress
Uptime and System Status Transparency Page:
We currently have uptime monitoring in place. However, we are investigating the best approach to display this information effectively on the platform to ensure full transparency.
Incident History:
We are actively working on creating this feature and integrating it as a content type on our website at Bangmod.Cloud.